Advance direct payments affect farmers ' account!



ARMA informs us about the disbursement of more than 7.2 billion of advances within the framework of the direct payments for 2016. On completion of the advance action the Agency has until the end of November 2016.

Agency for restructuring and modernisation of agriculture pays advances on this year's direct payments from November 17 to November 30, 2016. According to the Agency's Declaration, the advance will receive all farmers who have met the conditions for the granting of such payments. Within less than a month, until Monday 14 November has paid to bank accounts of farmers 7.22 bln.

At the same time on account of farmers received more than half a billion dollars in the framework of this year's aid from other programs: 518.43 million PLN LFA payments and 45.45 million of agri-environmental payments.

Let us recall, Arma first pays advances on direct payments in the amount of 70%. the amount of the aid. By the end of November to farmers will go ok. 9.5 billion.

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